Ethical code

The ethical code was born with the purpose to guarantee that the ethical values of the social cooperative Arthur’s Island are clearly stated and constitute the basic element of the business culture as well as the behiavioural standard of all the partners in managing the activities and the business of the cooperative.
Legal references to which the ethical code is based are: 231/01 “Discipline of the Administrative Responsibility of juridical people, societies and associations even without a juridical person in conformity to the article 11 of the law 29 September 2000 n° 300” and s.m.i. Confcooperative guidelines and Italian Manufactures’ Association guidelines “Guidelines for the construction of models of organization management and control DL. gs 231/2001” (both the guidelines have been checked and approved by the Ministry of Justice).
It is an instrument which its managers, auditors, partners, volunteers, employers, external collaborators have to respect according to their functions. The following statements constitute a preventive means which the cooperative uses to protect itself from the offences listed by the DL. gs 231/01.
The observance of the rules written in this document is monitored by the Control and Security Committee which has the authority, the autonomy and the independence to carry out the due controls.

Mission of the Cooperative
The cooperative aims at an always further improvement in the quality of the services which are accomplished according to transparent, impartial and economic criteria granting a continuous and careful attention to its users and their families, by stating the values of social equality and solidarity.


General ethical principles
- Legality: meant in carefully respecting the laws in our territories (European, National, Regional, Provincial and Municipal) as well as the Cooperative’s internal regulation of the laws in force.
- Democratic nature: ways of behavior oriented to the civil responsibility.
- Mutuality: meant as a form of assistance and reciprocal help, either at a practical and organized level or, above all, at a sharing ideals level.
- Solidarity: meant as a form of support and sharing of the problems concerning the activities done.
- Loyal competition: concerning the activities done by the Cooperative, and it will have with its own competitors a clean and loyal behavior in carrying out its duty.
- Equality: meant as an active construction of relationships which do not consider differences of race, age, genre, social conditions, sexual, religious, political and trade union orientation, etc.
- Equity: meant as the ability to face the different exigencies with equilibrium and impartiality.
- Honesty: meant as the ability to deal with everyone with rectitude and sincerity.
- Transparence: meant as the ability to deal with everyone without prejudices and hidden purposes.
- Same condition: meant as a guarantee of possibilities for everybody to realize his/her own aspirations and to develop their own potentialities at his/her best.
- Responsibility: meant as a civil duty towards our equals and responsibility towards the people looked after.
- Individual centrality: meant as a lasting value of the individual and therefore, prime cause and organizer of the actions, initiatives, projects, activities, etc. done within the different offers proposed by the Cooperative.
- Quality: meant as the orientation of the Cooperative to improve its activities in order to give services especially suitable to the needs of the users and in general, of the society.
- Safeguard of the business patrimony: meant as respecting the possessions and the resources of the Cooperative through a responsible use of them.
- Discretion: meant as a duty of everyone who has a relationship with the Cooperative, at different levels, to respect the professional secret according to what has been stated by the ethical code.
- Environment safeguard: meant as safeguard and respect for the environment in which the Cooperative works.
- Health workers and work safety: the Cooperative agrees to promote security and prevention culture by continually informing and forming its staff.
- Refusal of every form of terrorism and subversion to the democratic order.
- Refusal of every form of pedo-pornography and of every activity concerned to it.

Therefore, the Cooperative Arthur’s Island agrees to act according to the regulations regarding the social sanitary, the social assistance and the social and rehabilitative topics concerning the services offered to its users. Moreover, it grants the respect of the security and/or the contractual regulations towards its staff (employers and partners) and its volunteers: another instrument needed will be the charter ( as well as the specific regulations) concerning the internal organization of the social basis. Arthur’s Island grants that it will depend on the juridical system in case of controversies with someone else.

The principles concerning the administration of the Cooperative.
The Cooperative writes the economic and social balance, then shown to the partners and by them approved: everything stated in these acts refers to specific documents proving the truthfulness of what written.
The relationships with the workers are regulated by an administration chart aimed at this. The Council of Administration is guarantor to the achievement of the purposes listed in the mission and of what has been declared in the adopted statute.
It has the duty to use all the necessary ways to reach the programmatic statements agreed by the social basis, and therefore to communicate any decision taken independently according to the given trust. Inside the Cooperative the human resources, meant as “ arm and mind” of the single services and, thus, as elements carrying working force and innovative thoughts, are considered a fundamental factor in its organization, so they are used to advantage the conditions and the instruments for their accomplishment. The choice of the people to employ is made by considering the real exigencies of the Cooperative and the professional profile of the applicant, granting to respect the principles of equality and same opportunity and refusing any form of favouritism, nepotism or patronage. The working relationships are stated with a regular contract refusing any form of irregular work; moreover, the maximum transparence and collaboration is guaranteed towards the newly-engaged in order he\she has a clear awareness of the task he\she has been entrusted, of the working place and the risks he\she has to undertake.

Principles in relation to the users
The users represent the main element of our and our employers’ activities: the relationships with our users tend to respect everybody regardless his\her physical, psychic, economic or cultural limitation. There must be a mutual respectful behaviour between the users and the people working with them within our organization. The main instrument at the users’ disposal, concerning the activities done by the Cooperative and the way in which the services are given, is the Cooperative Card of Services.

Principles in relation to someone else
By someone else it is meant:
- The suppliers, whose choice is made on professional, economic and transparence criteria. Avoiding that the choice is extortion or corruption from the buyer ( no goods of exchange), and not asking huge discounts by looking at the prices on the market because the goods can be considered of illicit origin.
- The Public Administration and the Public Institutions with whom the Cooperative has to have a relationship respecting the laws and the set of rules in force. It is forbidden to every member of the Cooperative any present or even a mere promise of a present to any state official or to a member of his\her family regardless the common business or good manners affairs.

Watch Committee
The Cooperative has established, as required by the 231\01, a Watch Committee that has the duty to check the accomplishment of what has been stated, to prevent the offences listed in the 231\01, highlighting every updating necessity and\or correction to the structure.
The components of the Watch Committee have been identified trying to guarantee the three fundamental principles suggested by the guidelines of the Ministry of Justice, too: autonomy and independence, professional behaviour, work in progress.
The Watch Committee is obliged to: start the right control procedures; verify periodically how each area works and what are its weak points; promote culture and knowledge within the Cooperative; receive all the meaningful information about it; cooperate with the partners and the employers on the problems and\or the illicit actions; write periodically a report about what they have done or discovered and sending it to the Business Committee and to the Trade union one. All the members of the Cooperative and somebody else involved have to inform immediately the Watch Committee if there were, within the Cooperative, legal, ethical, inner or even probable transgressions.

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